Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Some work(outs)

I've been pretty slammed at work and am fortunate to not have to sweat the training.

Today was the official start of preliminary, pre-base, no load, easy training. I had a good meeting with Jim to discuss my plans for next year. I am really happy with the longer term coaching relationship as Jim is getting a chance to know me better as an athlete. This is critical to fine tuning some overall planning as well as understanding my true limiters and how that applies to my race selection and schedule. I still have to temper my ambition when setting up the race schedule as this year will be another tough one schedule wise. I've got the opportunity to get some great jobs this year and have to be careful not to make any unnecessary compromises.

The focus this year will be Xterra, with a handfull of city tri training races. We've been talking a bit about gaining some more specialized strength. One thing I've noticed is that I don't have much raw leg strength. A better balance of fast twitch muscle is what I'm after. This will put me in the gym a little more often and should begin to transform me into a more powerful type of athlete able to absorb the more intense bursts consistent with off road racing. I am also going to try and gain some leg strength on the trails by doing more straight hiking to improve strength and minimize impact.

As for the training I have been doing, it's simply what I can get in. So far it's been a couple of 30-40 min. runs, 2-3 short swims 30-45 min. focused on drills/DPS and one ride. The rides mostly going to and from picking up my van from the shop. Killing two birds. I've got the luxury now of getting in two full rest days/week which is refreshing.

On the nutrition front. I've got a pretty firm goal of dropping 5 lbs and getting down to a race weight of 155 by mid April. "It's a performance thing" -Peter Reid. I just picked up Joe Friel's book "Paleo Diet for Athletes." I've just started it and I'm pretty well aligned with what he's saying. His hypothesis is basically based on Low glycemic, nutrient dense foods with the exception of during and post-exercise allowances for higher glycemic foods to take advantage of insulin response. I was looking at some of the suggested daily plans and they look a lot like how I learned to eat during my cancer treatment. Both are focused on promoting healing and maximizing nutrient absorption.

I am expecting things to start heating up mid October wher I expect to start getting specific workouts from Jim. I'm going up to Warner Springs this weekend for a family weekend and will get in some fun workouts and should have some photos and details to post.

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