Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Post of Shame

Sunrise New Years Day. 1.1.08

It's time to face the music and get back to some regular meaningful reports. (what I lack in frequency I make up in length) I can only get feedback on what I'm posting. Unfortunately the "holidays" have been tumultuous and the posting is one of the things that gets cut when time is tight and stress levels are high. I figure my personal life would more likely be the topic of discussion rather than the training so I spare the drama. I think it's poignant to refer to a quote on James' website that has normally slid below the radar but recently has had particular relevance.

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - e. e. cummings

This quote reminds me that people will try to bring you down to their level. Attempting to transcend popular life, through high standards and lofty goals and ideals will basically leave you with a target on your back (because that's all they see on your personal road to fulfillment). There is something universal of human instinct that Cummings has brought up that motivates miserable souls to try to bring you down (to their level). I think it's often times subliminal and we have to be ever mindful that such a force exists and "never stop fighting". Thanks James.
So I start this new year with a refreshed perspective and new goals.
1. Stay Grateful...for all things in life.
2. Be consistent.
3. Align myself with those who have the success I want.
4. Use my resources and ask for help.
I know those are not such measurable goals as they are desired attitudes... so here's the fun ones.
1. Xterra West: sub 3:25
2. St. Patrick's Day 10k: sub 43:00 (last year 43:45 and was a good race)
3. 20k TT: sub 29:00 (sometime this year)
Here's the schedule:
2.03 Xterra Trail run 15k (mission gorge)
2.10 Fiesta Island TT ( FTP test)
3.09 Fiesta Island TT
3.15 St. Patty's 10k
4.06 Carlsbad 5000
4.26 Arizona Extreme
5.18 Xterra West Championship
6.20 BABY!
The training has been progressing and I'm into week one of four of base training cycles.
I'm finding it just as challenging going slow, mostly mentally, but I dig the science of monitoring HR variability and pace during aerobic development. I'll start posting some charts when I get it figured out how to get em up. I've enjoyed most recent gains in my swimming thanks to Jim. A couple of weeks ago we went to the pool to do some filming and I showed up with some good technical flaws (thankfully). I wrote about it in a previous post and again when shoulder pain kept me out of the water. Basically pulling way to wide on the left arm and mostly with the deltoid and biceps. This inhibited my roll to breath and pulled way too short on the left side which left me too flat. Bottom line is that knowing this has helped me improve my stroke alot. Not so much in time yet but in feel and comfort in the water which will help when I start developing some speed through increased strength and fitness.
I'll post this weeks details on Sunday night or monday.


ramon said...

Tom, I'm in the same boat as you. I find it tough to hold back when you know you can dial it up a notch or two. Stay the course my friend, it's gonna pay off. Later man, Ramon (recognize the picture?)

TRI Vortex said...

I think the event coming up in June is what you'll need the most training for...mental that is.