Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The leprachaun stole my mojo.

St. patty's 10k has come and gone and the parade passed me by. DNS. I had overcome some doubt (regarding my fitness) and was willing to put it all on the line for the sake of doing just that. Mentally prepared with my motivation identified, I went to sleep with cautious optomism. It didn't seem to matter because my daughter's mind was apparently made up that she wanted to see her daddy first thing in the morning. Not at 8:10 in the morning coming down the finish chute, but more like 4-5 times between the hours of 1:30 and 5:00am. I punched my alarm clock when it finally went off at 5:30. I think only Tony Robbins could have got me out of bed. In hindsight I could have slogged to the starting line, but I would have most likely sat in yawning and ran a 45 minute 10k. I died my hair green instead.

I can't take racing seriously anymore. There are too many variables that require the flexibility of gumby. If it happens, great, if not, I get pissed...I mean no big deal.

My current training is liveable and still manage to get in 6-8 hours depending on the long ride.
I have been cutting out some swimming but getting in enough to maintain some feel.

The challenge for me going forward is to develop a training style that will service my current level of fitness. I will probably consult with Jim on this one to make the best use of my time, but
one theory I was considering is a rotating focus on all three sports. I want to be fit enough to bang out a club race, Aquathlon, or Road Race with just a little notice. Parts of me want to just focus on the bike, another tells me, "hey focus on swimming, what's not to love about that." I think it'll end up something like:

6 day training week. (2 week cycle)
3-4 days/week focus sport
2-3 day mix of non focus including strength or pilates

The question is what kind of intensity should these sessions be?

What I don't want to do is just vamp everytime I head out the door.

Another thing I really need to focus on is diet. Not in terms of quality, but quantity. There is a huge difference between fueling a 12-15 hour training week and 6-8. I don't need to explain what happens if I don't recognize this elementary fact. Carrying any extra weight is understatedly counterproductive. It'll be challenging fighting off the instinct to feed.

I must admit I totally miss the excitement of moving my fitness forward enjoying the fruits of a breakthrough workout. To any readers out there living the life, seize the day, your are truly fortunate.

My hair's not green.

1 comment:

ramon said...

I feel you on the early wakeup calls at all hours of the night :)They can really throw off the days plans. Your "mojo" will return with an re-energized focus. Hang in there pal.