Monday, April 16, 2007

Light weekend.

The weekend had some light training. I was ready for a couple of easier days as my legs were feeling quite crushed from some good intensity last week. Funny thing is when I have an easy day I feel slightly let down. But I needed it. Three weeks until Wildflower. I just got my camping pass in the mail. I got butterflies for a second. I've been thinking a lot about this race going through each part of the course. I have a pretty photographic memory and am able to recall a lot of the race from last year in vivid detail. I think this will help reduce any anxiety as I will try to see each difficult part and rehearse how I want to feel as well as strategy. This is the big difference in my skill level from last year. Not only am I feeling a ton more fitness, I am looking forward to having my head in the game, being able to make smart decisions and focus on the task at hand. I have been trying to practice this in the open water swim workouts we've been doing with Jim and also in the road races I've been doing. As for the training.

Saturday was an easy recovery ride for two hours. I laugh to myself when I think of any two hour workout being recovery, especially if I had to explain this to some family member or friend.
But it was under 200watts avg., HR zone 1-2. they still look confused. I worked on staying relaxed through the pedal stroke and kept cadence above or around 95, thinking light on the pedals and supple legs. I felt great.

Sunday was a different story. We went to a party on Saturday night. My mistake was not eating before I went. I've been eating real healthy, lots but healthy. At the party they had Mexican food. I figured every now and then a little is not bad. I woke up feeling like crap. I got 7 hours sleep but it felt like 4. Basically I felt hungover and I don't drink. I was supposed to do an open water swim with Ramon and James, but the weather was as bad as I felt. That was the reason I didn't sleep in was to check the ocean and surf conditions. Out of the question. the surf was pounding and the wind was hooting. I put on an extra layer and did my run out the Flood control channel. One of the only soft flat routes around. I knew I would feel better once I got going but only slightly as the wind was in my face gusting to 18mph on the way back. I was glad to get back in my car after 60 minutes easy.

I was stoked to get the run behind me and head up to B+L bikes to pick up the Kalibur. I had a full service and ceramic bearing upgrade. Bottom bracket, wheel bearings and derailleur pulleys. If I can get a couple seconds per K, (should be a little more with wheel B's) that's about 2 minute savings over 40k. I'll need it to make up for my slow ass run. It was cool to see Kate Major up at the shop. Just pulling in to pick some stuff up. Tri chicks can be a little weathered like surfers but she looks good. Nice to live in a city where it's all going down.

Looking ahead this week will get tough again as I repeat my last 10 day cycle. Should be some fun stuff to post as I mix it up and try some new spots to train this week.

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