Saturday, April 21, 2007

Long run 2.0 and swim footage

Today's long run was 2.0 hours. I had an option to switch sat and sun workouts so that the weather conditions wouldn't limit my long ride routes on the MTB. I checked the ground this morning, puddles. It wasn't raining but the sun wasn't out so it was probably pretty soggy on the trails. No problem, I started preparing to run as I watched the local news. The big story: 3-4 inches of snow in the local mountains. This is where I was supposed to train this weekend. I'm all up for winter training, but two weeks before Wildflower? I think I'm justified in being a little conservative and just getting it done in town. Rx today was 120 minutes zone 1-2 with the last thirty at tempo pace. This is the longest run I've done this season. I went out on a hilly route and ended up totaling about 1700 ft of vertical with two major hills. One at 50 mins (300 ft/.7 mi/9:50 pace/HR 160) and one at 75 mins (150 ft). I took on these hills wanting to know what I could do at tempo after zapping a little strength. This is a race specific scenario. I was feeling great practicing my technique, and just enjoying my fitness gains. The last 30 mins went like this:
Avg pace: 7:37
Avg HR: 168

Max HR: 179

It was pretty rolling so I knew HR would get up but I wanted to get in at around 1/2 marathon pace. Pretty close considering the elevation changes. I still felt pretty strong and definitely had another gear.

I weighed myself when I got back and figured I'd get some Bio-data. 160.4 lbs. I left at 164.5 and drank 9 oz. of Carbo-Pro and 6 oz. water and one gel. That seems like a pretty big sweat rate @ 58 degrees. We'll see what I can do with this info as I want to hit Kim Muellers nutriton seminar on Thursday. I stretched for 10 and took an ice bath for 15. I had two scoops recoverite and 2 eggs 2 kashi waffles with pbutter, banana and agave syrup. We'll see how I feel tomorrow on the ride. I'm looking forward to getting an early start. Lots of sun this afternoon so it should be good.

I spent some time looking at the swim footage from yesterday. A couple things are clearly going on.
Decent entry with right hand about even with shoulders. could be wider.
Left hand starts moving out to catch. This is the line where I want to enter.
Still going wider on the pull.
Finally about 10 inches outside of entry line. Holding lots of water but with my rotator cuff muscles. Ouch. I'm no expert but I think I can do a couple of things. Enter the hand a little wider and pull more to the hip in a straight back movement. I don't know why this is happening but I'll check it out again this week to see if there is some improvement.
I did get some UW footage too but these were good shots with the lane marker for reference. Looking forward to getting to do this again next week.

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