Monday, April 23, 2007

Sunday ride/run.

Now this weekend was huge. It just kind creeps on you, the fatigue that is. Sunday was the capper on what was supposed to be a big weekend training camp in the the mountains. I had to change plans due to weather and it worked out fine. A little more crowded, but the trails dried out by Sunday morning and I got there early. I had 4 hours of mountain biking and a 45 minute run on the schedule. Both were to work on hills and maximize zone 4-5a. Sounded like a lot of work and it was. I also wanted to get in at least 4,000 ft of climbing on the MTB. The other challenge was trying to string together some routes locally where by the end of 4 hours I would have accomplished my goals but not be too bored. I decided to ride penasquitos canyon for 90 minutes warm up and ride some shorter (under 8 minute) climbs and then ride to Black Mountain and ride the summit.
I had never been there so my plan was to just go for it with a few google maps in my so called photo memory. Penasquitos was great fun with a couple new routes.

At 90 minutes I headed over to Black Mountain. I figured I couldn't get lost because I could see it and I was on Black Mountain Road, right? The trails I was looking at on Google were unrideable. They all looked gnarly. James and Jim ride here and do a time trial on the trail to the top, but where was it. I traversed the mountain on an access road and came across a pretty fun looking but steep/technical STrack. Those guys are good riders so it could have been it. It got way worse/better than this and was about 20% hike-a-bike. I just kept going and figured I'd find the trail from the top. Looking back, this is a good alt. route with some real technical climbing. I cleaned some pretty tough sections, others not and I have the scrapes to prove it. I made it to the top and found the access road, but I wasn't gonna miss out on the route I just I decided to bomb it and then climb back up the access road for the second climb to the top. This was a good test for the last climb of the day. I was still feeling pretty good able to push some gears in the middle ring. I actually felt strong all day. I did this 750 ft,1.7 mile climb in 15:45

Max HR 167
Avg HR 159

It was not an all out effort but pretty consistent. I needed to save a little for the run when I got back to the van. The summit of Black Mountain has some impressive views but some scary looking equipment that makes you think twice about hanging out for too long.

I got back to the parking lot at 4 hours on the dot and still had to get in a decent 45 minute run.
I don't think the intention was to make it a transition run but this is how I had to get it in. I stretched and took a gel. The run felt okay despite some toe blisters from Sat. and a pretty sore hip from diggers that day. I got in 35 minutes at intensity with 10 minute cool down.
Avg. HR 165
Max HR 172
After that I was a done deal. took some Recoverite then off to Chipotle then too the Airport.
I did manage to get in some 5,200 feet of ascent which is nice. Big Day. Big Weekend.

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